Do you struggle with words?

If writing isn’t your thing, stop wrestling with your colons, fighting with adjectives and get help.

You know what it’s like, you have a deadline coming up, you have to get that page written and it just isn’t happening. Arrgh.

Don’t lose your customers to a competitor that can write better than you.

I can help

Get your message across clearly and effectively, giving you the customers you’ve always dreamed of.



Intelligent, approachable content

I write engaging content that wins you customers and builds your business.


  • Discovery call - let’s find out more about your project

  • Proposal - outlines the scope of work deadline and who is doing what

  • Skeleton Draft - rough draft with headings, structure and bullet points

“Fast turnarounds, hugely personable and nails it straight up, that’s Moy for you.”

– Prue, pm3 art & design

Hi, I’m Moyra

I write clear, conversational copy for small businesses and not-for-profits, developing highly effective content to get your point across without the faff.

Let’s work together

If you like what you hear so far, let’s have a chat.
